Faith and Hope Journal | Faith and Hope Glorifies the Lord


Our Faith and Our Hope Will Move Mountains

The story of the lame man at the pool of Bethsaida was faith and hope – he knew there is hope and it was only a matter of time. For thirty eight years he never had his healing until Jesus came by to his aid and healed him. You would have thought the man would have at least some family members to carry him and dip him into the pool after the Angel of the Lord had come and splash on the pool for miracle healing for every sick person who enters. This was not the case for the lame man but he kept waiting at the pool side all these years, hoping he could one day have his healing by dipping quickly into the pool. (John 5:1-17)

That Day Was Set To Glorify the Lord

Eventually after all these years, Jesus came and without a sprinkle of water he asked the lame man to get up and walk – so immediately it happened. That day was meant to come to glorify the Lord, so that was the day that the lame man was supposed to receive his healing and breakthrough. Hence, when it came, it became a testimony that was thought in the lands at large and till this day.

Hope Kept And Focused

Even before Jesus came to walk on this earth the lame man was at the pool. Considering the number of years the lame man had been at the pool and Jesus’ age on the earth at that time. So his problem was there even before Jesus was born. So ahead of Jesus time on Earth, this healing was meant for Him to resolve to glorify the name of our Lord God.

 Keep Your Faith And Hope Focused

So to all believers and non-believers who will find the lame man’s testimony as uplifting and inspirational, remember that whatever the situation is in your life now, the Lord will come through for you if only you will grow your faith, hope, and focus on Him. A lot of times if our needs and requests are not being answered as we wish we lose faith in the Lord and lose our hope in Him. People tend to back-slide but the Lord is our hope in all circumstances.

Don’t trust in man but in the Lord God alone.

 “Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind. And makes flesh his strength, And whose heart turns away from the Lord.” (Jeremiah 17:5, NKJV).

 “He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but he who walks wisely will be delivered.” (Proverbs 28:26, NKJV).

The Lord God is Always Ready to Fulfill his Promises in Your Life

Believe in the Lord, that he will do it. Back it with faith and hope, but don’t believe in man for anything. You will have no answer from the Lord with such behavior – that is loathing God.

Remember that every situation is different but we realized that there is always an answer for the players involved. In all of these, we tend to compare and ask why me and why that? It is a mistake we make in our walk with Jesus; every story is different in life – it is timing.

What is your Story – your own chronicle?


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