Faith and Hope Journal | Faith and Hope

Faith and Hope  


“Faith without Hope is no Faith and Hope without Faith is no Hope.” Once we are all aware of this principle of the Scripture - all our physical ailments, spiritual ailments, physical broken relationship, financial problems, the lure into secular temptations of the world would be positively dealt with by the Lord God. If you are struggling to find hope in any of the situations above, I am emboldening you to read the word of God constantly as a habit and when you do, endeavor to repeat His present and future promises over your life.

Set Your Eyes on God and His Promises

       Let us allow the Lord to safeguard our faith to set our eyes on him as our source of Hope – for the results we seek to expect in all our despair and desperate situation. He will not fail us in any of his promises if we will worship, trust and praise His Glorious name with thanksgiving prayers and songs. Repeat and remind the Lord God of His promises to His children.

Make Prayer a Constant Habit

        It is very significant to note that when prayer becomes our perpetual habit, prayers become a blessing, and our blessings become miracles. Never give up on prayer no matter how harsh your circumstances. Giving up on prayer is giving up hope but hope must be a reviving repertoire in our prayer line very often, especially in times of hopelessness. 

Don’t be Weighed Down with Events – Trust in the Lord with Faith, and Hope

       Our actions will strengthen us to either fix our mind and thoughts on the Word of God for hope or keep us drawn to ourselves in solitude - worse off than hopelessness. Once you lose heart and trust in the Lord, you become hopeless. As a believer in Christ, you see the warning signs – do not be overwhelmed with eventualities. If you need help, talk to other believers and form prayer cells and towers to assist you. 


Put a stop to doubts and negative thoughts – it has no room in the house of the faithful ones.

Excerpt from the up coming book in June 2023: Hope. Where Can We Find It?” by Roy Anthony Duodu Sarpong.

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1 comment

The following quotes are to support our believe 🙌 for the Author’s write up on faith and hope. It’s very true and we can’t alienate either from the other.
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
“There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.” – …
We should not let our future (hopes), to be determined by our bitter past.
Hope is within us – have faith and the Hoy Spirit will accomplish your hope.

Zack Daniels

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