Faith and Hope Journal | Believe and Faith


Our Days Are Glory, Not Gloomy

Believe it – Have Faith –  Have Hope that you will Receive

Every so often the days can be so gloomy, life can be extremely hard and you only see the road getting narrow, and narrower. Situations might be continually changing around you but not for the better. We wake up every day, facing huge battles. Such battles are ununderstable. It may include one or multiple of these:

  1. A protracted illness,
  2. Financial and economic hardships
  3. Lost a job or career and can’t find one
  4. Going through a bitter divorce,
  5. No husband, no wife – you are yearning for that moment – but no sign

Take a Stock Around You

The struggles seem to be protracted on for far too long and it’s still lingering with no sight in end.  Hold on and don’t give up. Your faith and hope in the Lord is being put to test. So what is it that you have to do to get out from this dilemma?

Always keep in mind that in the center of all these, you still have so much to be thankful. Take a look around you – outside of the box you are in now, and take a stock to see God’s unfailing love for you. For this reason, and even in the midst of it all, we still have so much to be grateful for in this life.

Thanksgiving As Our Prayers

That said, have you considered re-packaging your prayer  through a “ reality check” in your communication with God? Do you back your prayer with strong faith and hope, expecting results? Jesus commanded that we should believe that we will  receive when pray. This is a command with authority. So then, what good it is when we pray and believe not what we are asking? So present your case and be praiseworthy to the Lord God.   

 We Must Be Praiseworthy

We must also note that communication to God through prayer shouldn't only be about requesting what we want.We must be thankful to the Lord for all those things we are praying for as if he has already given us what we want. These prayers must be backed by genuine believe that we have already been answered.  Jesus encourages us to have faith that we will get what we ask. When you pray, you must trust that God will answer you. Without that trust it’s meaningless to pray for something you are not sure of receiving. You may find this odd. However God expects us to do it.  This is what is called Faith in God.

 God is Always Trustworthy

Consequently, before you pray, you should read the Bible to find the verse/s in line with your prayer request for assurance.  

God is infinitely trustworthy. To a greater extent than any human. God is dependable and has never lied. Correspondingly, the Lord God expects you to have faith in Him.

Whatever peril you are facing, don’t you give up, you can pray like David when his own inner circle stood against him. He was straight to the point and strong in his prayers. You can always trust in the Lord God to save you

.The Lord God is Always Our Refuge

Lord God, you are my refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. I will not fear when “earthquakes” come and the “mountains” crumble into the sea. The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here with me. You are my fortress. I will be still, and know that You are God

 Read  Psalm 46 and make it your prayer at the time that spiritual and physical forces are all against you, at the time you think you are in despair or at the time you feel like God is too far away from you.  


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